The Premature Baby Charity for Northern Ireland

NI Beef Shorthorn Club choose Tinylife as their Charity of the Year!

Tinylife, Northern Irelands only charity that supports families of premature and/or sick babies were absolutely delighted when they were notified that the NI Beef Shorthorn Club had selected them as their charity for 2022.

When club members Emmet McNulty’s daughter Joanne went into premature labour with her little boy Finn, they were appreciative of all the support and advice they received from Tinylife at this very scary time and even more because little Finn’s early arrival took place during lockdown. Joanne said that she was grateful for all the advice, support and loans of equipment needed during those first few months with Finn. As a way of saying thank you they decided to support Tinylife through the year with various fundraising events including the raffle of a beef shorthorn cross calf.

A special word of thanks goes to Dessie Moore and sons from Donaghmore who kindly donated the calf. Michael Moore (pictured) who is now ten, was also a premature baby. The calf can be viewed at the NI Shorthorn Beef stand at Balmoral Show from 11th – 14th May 2022 and also The Clogher Valley Show on 27th July 2022. To be in with a chance of winning this lovely calf, raffle tickets can be purchased at the NI Shorthorn Beef Club stand at these events.

Over 2000 babies are born too soon, too small, or too sick in Northern Ireland each year. Some arrive as early as 24 weeks, weighing as little as 1lb/454 grams, the same weight as half a bag of sugar. Support from the NI Beef Shorthorn Club will ensure Tinylife can continue to provide support services so vital for the six families in need every day in Northern Ireland. 

Tinylife Community Fundraiser Leanne Beatty said, “Without the tremendous support we receive from local people and Clubs like the Northern Ireland Beef Shorthorn Club, we would not be able to continue to bring these services to local families in their time of need”.  

For further information on Tinylife please visit  or find them on Facebook and Twitter @tinylifecharity. 

About TinyLife

  • TinyLife, formerly NIMBA, is Northern Ireland’s only premature and sick baby charity based in Carryduff.     
  • The charity funds research and provides a wide range of support services for families of premature and sick babies, including a breast pump loan service, hospital-based support, online tiny gym, and parents support groups.     
  • On average, there are six babies born prematurely every day in Northern Ireland.  
  • Premature babies can be born as early as 24 weeks and survive.  Currently, the smallest surviving baby born in Ireland was just 398g.     
  • TinyLife works across Northern Ireland, including Royal Victoria Hospital, Ulster Hospital, Dundonald, Craigavon Area Hospital, Daisyhill Hospital, Newry, Antrim Area Hospital and Altnagelvin Hospital.